Saturday, September 27, 2008

By Shane Morlan

PERCEPTION IS 9/10ths OF REALITY...........

This is my own conception. If you put some thought into it you will see how I have come into this conclusion.

Thought is the key to happiness and OPENSIGHT!

OPENSIGHT is seeing reality without the moderation of mainstream...

Thought when applied correctly can change your perception and enlighten you. BUT- When you only perceive and think negative thoughts you manifest those negative thought into your perceived mood. This type of conditioning is used by television to persuade the viewer to believe what image Mainstream wants them to. By hearing the same theme over and over, such as the threat of terror, we begin to believe it is true, we get cloudy vision. This is a tactic used to control our thought process. Without the use of critical judgement, which is our ability to reason as to something's truth by way of investigating ourselves, we are left to depend on the source, which may be politically motivated. NBC is owned by General Electric, who just happens to be a huge defense contractor as well. They gain millions of dollars during war, so therefore is in there best interest to use NBC as there right hand in persuading the people that Iraq is an imminent threat to the US. That there are Al-Qaeda terror cells all over the world and we must enact a War on Terror. Never ending war, costing trillions of taxpayer dollars going straight to the ruling class......  The job of free media was to be a check against the secrecy of the Federal Branch of the Government, but since media is consolidated into the control of the Power Elite, no real journalism is allowed to come out. Credible journalism is stamped out such as with Dan Rather. Or such as with Arron Russo, who suddenly died after the making of the documentary film, "America, From Freedom to Facism", explaining how our government was Heisted in 1913 when Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act, giving control of the treasury of the US, to A Private Federal Reserve Bank, under the World Bank... Who controls the money and can lend at Interest to the US Government, controls the strength and will of said government.


The majority of Americans get there information on current events from their chosen source of Mainstream Media (Fox News, CNN, ABC, MSNBC, any others) whose owners are consolidated and have interests in other money making opportunities including, oil, defense, consumer product production) so how are these people supposed to give you an un-biased snapshot. Pay Attention, they assert their opinions of everything. Pay attention to Analysts. It is your right and duty to Analyze the information and its' sources and truths yourself. Do you really want someone else's agenda influencing your beliefs.            Are you in danger? Yes, but not from FAKE TERRORISTS, the Real terrorists are the Ruling class, the mainstream media and anyone who would assert opinion on another. They are not experts. Do you really believe they do journalism? Come On People...... You are not Naive, just deceived and hypnotized. Wake Up! Analyze things yourself, do not allow others to think for you; they want you to feel bogged down having to work a lot, that way you do not think too much about complex things. Look tings Up for yourself, investigate, watch alternative sources of info and thought, because you deserve to hear both sides of the story. Is that not fundamental to freedom, The choice to decide the truth for yourself? Realize that when the media tells you both sides, it is from their point of view.... Notice that they edit out, cut off and completely construe the message of anyone who thinks for themselves. hundreds of thousands have woken up. Don't be surprised if you do see the light and feel the Wake-Up, it is wonderful. You begin to feel truly free....

My message through all this is: PERCEPTION IS NINE TENTHS OF REALITY!!!! Why? For this reason, when you start to realize the truth and wake up, it can seem overwhelming but just think back and realize that what you always must tell yourself and make yourself believe over everything else, is that 1) EVERYTHING IS OK, LIFE IS WONDERFUL, THINGS COULD BE WORSE... 2) BY THINKING POSITIVELY WE CAN MAKE THINGS HAPPEN, BECAUSE PRAYER WORKS AND MANY OTHERS, HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS IN FACT ARE THINKING THE SAME THINGS, HAVE THE SAME HOPE, AND KNOW THAT ONE DAY SOON THE FREE SOCIETY AND PROSPERITY WILL PREVAIL... So, if you reinforce the same thing over and over in your mind you will start to believe it, and if IT is you feeling good, and confident and happy and prosperous, you will manifest that good feeling in your mood and outlook, which will make your life better and your quality of mind set Outstanding!!!

So, please research, a good way to help reinforce positive life is to watch "The Secret", or read the book The Secret, but it will help bring focus on good energy into your life. It is Not in any way a separation from religion or God. It is not an Occult film or any weird thing like that. Another amazing film and book is the Celestine Prophecy, go and rent the film or read the book. Research in books and on the web for alternative sources of information. Think critically yourself.... WAKE-UP!!!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Stop The Bailout! We Did Not Cause This Crisis!

This Government has gone too far. They expected what by DEREGULATION of industries? That the Rich and Greedy would automatically be fair to the little guy? That they would make room for small businesses? Ha. Well this needs to stop. The Financial Market needs to be re regulated and all funding and the Fed need oversight badly. Why does the United States need to pay interest on loans or even get loans in the first place. If we had a Gold Standard at 100% then the possibility of incurring debt could be eliminated. Three things, The people who caused the problem or profited most should pay for it!!!
Re-regulate to prevent this from happening again!!!!
Include Main Street in the bailout and invest in a new productive economy. Re: Japan and their financial crisis... Invest here, we have the poorest public transportation in the world. Creation of a Nationwide public transit system would create hundreds of thousands of jobs, pump trillions of dollars into our economy and would cut our dependence on oil... Wake up! Do not support this bailout! In order to understand the financial market we must see how this debaucle was created and understand the PLAYERS. Michel Chossudovsky of Global Research is a Canadian economist. He is a professor of economics at the University of Ottawa, and summarizes the steps leading to the current economic state. See his article, "Global Financial Meltdown" for the lowdown.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Letter to Barack Obama

September 12, 2008


Po box 8102[Address 2]

Chicago, IL 60680-8102


I realize that you are a most busy man. I have been a supporter of yours off and on since the early primary season when you visited my hometown of Youngstown, OH. After I saw you in person and heard your message I really believed in you. It was until I started reading about you that I found out about your sturdy connection to the CFR. I believe in helping people but at the state of our nation right now I find it hard to swallow the fact that you are pushing a bill to give millions in aide to foreign nations. I then discovered Senator Ron Paul, you have to admit that he is a intelligent being, and his message about the Constitution and having secure money and a return to the Gold Standard seems like the only Constitutional way to support the value of everyone’s skills which they trade for the money needed to buy their necessities. Policies of spending millions and billions of dollars that are printed out of thin air is a tax on the citizens of the middle and lower class that we will be paying off for decades to come. Inflation is a tax because the US Government Borrows money from the Central bank to finance outrageous spending and budgeting polices. On this loan from the World Central Bank is owed Interest. It is this that the American people are directly charged in the form of National Debt.

What really baffles me is how the entire economic issue and the Feds Scandalous Bailout Polices, and the forgiving of Telecom Industries for violating the US Constitution. We are no safer, in fact much less safe now that our privacy has been confiscated in the name of Security. Did you not study the Constitution? Did our forefathers not warn of such treachery? Did they not give the people the power? I know as you advocate against, people sit idly by, doing little to prevent this, and are in my opinion hypnotized by the media scandal. But you have the power sir, to affect a great many, to change sincerely our Nation in a positive way, and with this power I hope that you are stronger than the rest, who have inevitably given in to the surge. I believe in you sir, I only ask two questions. Many are riding on the same leg, paddling the same river and asking the same question?

1. How important will the Constitution be, and how protected will it be, in the new global society, the new North America, no longer the United States, even with new currency; how protected will our civil liberties be, and will I be required to carry a National ID with a RFID tag held within, being submitted to National ID checkpoints?

2. Do you agree that speech on the Internet should be given the strongest protection under the Constitution, and what will you do to insure that net neutrality be given the utmost importance, being the only medium of free and unobstructed information flow left in the US?

3. Please be sincere, I know that is something that you are good at. Is it true that you attended the Bilderberg Meeting in the beginning of the summer, and if so, please tell me that you have not submitted to their will in order to obtain the office of President, and are vowed to serve their goal of complete global society and control through central world dictatorial control through control of banks, governments and commercial resources?

I realize that to some I may be deemed a Conspiratorialist

, but I am not. If you are truly as intelligent as you seem, you know what I am talking about. Please tell me that you are as true an American as you were prior to any meeting you may have attended with Senator Clinton in June 2008.

I truly hope that you can respond, I have donated 75 dollars to our campaign and truly hope that my questions are not stonewalled, that is why I send via email and paper mail.


Shane J. Morlan


I wrote this letter tonight in hopes that he will not be going along with the corporate communist goal of control but will have to wait and see.

Closed Ears

I am so tired of trying to talk about the world with people. I know that I do not hang in the circles where progressive minded people reside. I should, must now, but for the time being what resolve can I have? History has served to inform me and help me see through the shroud of deceit. I received a very nice email today, it described how during Woodrow Wilson's Presidency, a group of women were protesting and demanding their rights to vote. They were arrested and tortured by police officers of the day. The email was meant to show women that it is not their right to avoid voting, they must vote, what would those women of 1900s think. Well, that was far from the most integral part of Wilson's Failure. In 1913 Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act, placing the control of American's Gold, and the eventual control of our Government in the hands of the likes of, J.P.Morgan, International Banker and the Chase Manhattan Bank. For 200 years our government alone reserved the right, however destructive a right, to blatantly print money without the gold to back the money. Our country has skated on the lines of the Gold Standard for the majority of our countries history. The Gold Standard is the only true way to boost the little guy, the poor and middle classes. As long as the Federal Reserve Bank, a group of banks in America, who are under the World Central Banks, have the right to print as much money as they want, we will suffer. Inflation is a tax.......wake up people. Guess what, our government makes a move to absorb Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Great, so here's the message to the corruptes corporate slime: Government: "Do what you want, steal as much as you want from the people, we will bail you out and insure that you still receive millions in severance, and guess what, the American tax dollars will pay for the hundreds of billions of dollars it will cost to keep you afloat. It may take 30 years to pay back the debt on the loans, and the interest, but hey, it is tax dollars," Fannie and Freddie: "okay thanks, we will continue to bankrupt the people and insure complete dominance by corporate slime." Wake up, this is no conspiracy anymore, it is right their and our MSM sensors it all. Yeah! Please, anyone who wants to see the real story of America, not the corporate media story, should go to and watch the historic documentaries that expose these truths.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Dear Friends~~~Help save our country!!!

Dear friends,
I know a lot of you have chosen to support Senator Clinton in the March 3rd Ohio Primary. I just wanted to say a couple things. First of all, I believe that Hillary Clinton is a genuine person in that she wants to help the blue collar and lower classes of Americans just like you and I. I also believe that she has the knowhow and the right team on her side that she would be able to and has planned for getting things done. She is compassionate and friendly and possibly even Faithful to God. However- Hillary Clinton has gathered most of her campaign support and contributions from Lobbyists and Special Interest Groups. From the likes of Rupert Murdoch, Chair of Fox News Corp and The Wall Street Journal, who happens to be the most far right-wing conservative in media. From rich and powerful. She has even loaned herself millions of dollars. Her pledges from Superdelegates are in part that she contributed to their election campaigns. Senator Obama on the other hand has taken no money from lobbyists and special interests groups. All of his donations have come from people just like you and me, in sums of $250 or less. Many of his donations have been low enough such as my donation of $25 that the same people can donate again. If you have read this far, I hope so because I have listened to a lot of sponsorship for Hillary so hear me out, When the election is all said and done, and Hillary goes to the white house, who is she going to owe for all her contributions? To what agenda is she going to be following at that point? Frankly, how has she come so far as a woman in just the past few years? She Owes a lot of wealthy people A LOT! I don't know about you but I do not want to entrust someone who owes so much to so many wealthy people with the powers that have been abused in the last eight years. How many people have you heard say that they trusted G.W. in 2000 and 2004, who thought he was a Christian, law abiding and faithful man, turn around now and say that they will not vote another republican in office? It was the same people who contributed $$ and got G.W. into office in 00 and 04 that have contributed to Hillary's 2008 campaign. So, who will be better equipped to fight these lobbyists and special interests in the next 4 - 8 years? Senator Obama, who is relatively new to Washington politics, who owes no rich person anything, who is not already deeply tied to corrupt individuals. Or Senator Clinton, the one with the experience and connections, the one who you would want to answer the white house phone at 3 in the morning, the one connected to the same people she claims she will be able to battle against in the next term, to change politics into something that benefits those who it serves once more.? Ask yourself, is experience truly worth what we have given up in the last term, is it really worth having if it is used against us, if that experience connects you to the ones you claim to want to confront and fight against in our benefit? I know you have probably heard some of this before but from a friend to you, please consider helping Barack Obama, he may not have his exact plan blueprinted out plain to see but if you don't have heart and if you cannot follow your own agenda, change cannot happen. It begins with heart. Barack Obama has fought for people like you and I for the last 30 years, not in politics thank God, but where it counts, on the street. He has experience where it counts. He Loves You and I, He Loves his country and with that he really can change America into something great like it used to be. If you got to here, you are a true friend, a caring and compassionate American, and if you vote for Hillary and support her I will not hold it against you, but please consider helping out the Obama campaign. YES WE CAN! AS BARACK POINTS OUT FREQUENTLY, CHANGE STARTS WITH YOU AND I. NO ONE CANDIDATE OR PRESIDENT CAN DO IT ALONE. YOU HAVE SEEN WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A PRESIDENT GOES IT ALONE. BARACK PREACHES TO US ALL, TURN OFF THE TV, GO OUT AND SERVE AMERICA AND IT WILL SERVE YOU. HE IS A STRONG LEADER FOR CHANGE HOPE AND WILL PREVAIL WITH HARD WORK AND GRASS ROOTS EFFORTS FROM US... Please consider making a donation. Barack really does rely on us for his support, that is why he will be able to serve us, not because he has relied on donations fro the wealthy as Hillary has. Her funds have dried up but Barack has us to put him in office and it will be us that he serves as President of the United States.... Peace be with you all. God Bless. and be safe and happy!!!
Shane Jared Morlan

Our projections show the most likely outcome of yesterday's elections will be that Hillary Clinton gained 187 delegates, and we gained 183.

That's a net gain of 4 delegates out of more than 370 delegates available from all the states that voted.

For comparison, that's less than half our net gain of 9 delegates from the District of Columbia alone. It's also less than our net gain of 8 from Nebraska, or 12 from Washington State. And it's considerably less than our net gain of 33 delegates from Georgia.

The task for the Clinton campaign yesterday was clear. In order to have a plausible path to the nomination, they needed to score huge delegate victories and cut into our lead.

They failed.

It's clear, though, that Senator Clinton wants to continue an increasingly desperate, increasingly negative -- and increasingly expensive -- campaign to tear us down.

That's her decision. But it's not stopping John McCain, who clinched the Republican nomination last night, from going on the offensive. He's already made news attacking Barack, and that will only become more frequent in the coming days.

Right now, it's essential for every single supporter of Barack Obama to step up and help fight this two-front battle. In the face of attacks from Hillary Clinton and John McCain, we need to be ready to take them on.

Will you make an online donation of $25 right now?

The chatter among pundits may have gotten better for the Clinton campaign after last night, but by failing to cut into our lead, the math -- and their chances of winning -- got considerably worse.

Today, we still have a lead of more than 150 delegates, and there are only 611 pledged delegates left to win in the upcoming contests.

By a week from today, we will have competed in Wyoming and Mississippi. Two more states and 45 more delegates will be off the table.

But if Senator Clinton wants to continue this, let's show that we're ready.

Make an online donation of $25 now to show you're willing to fight for this:

This nomination process is an opportunity to decide what our party needs to stand for in this election.

We can either take on John McCain with a candidate who's already united Republicans and Independents against us, or we can do it with a campaign that's united Americans from all parties around a common purpose.

We can debate John McCain about who can clean up Washington by nominating a candidate who's taken more money from lobbyists than he has, or we can do it with a campaign that hasn't taken a dime of their money because we've been funded by you.

We can present the American people with a candidate who stood shoulder-to-shoulder with McCain on the worst foreign policy disaster of our generation, and agrees with him that George Bush deserves the benefit of the doubt on Iran, or we can nominate someone who opposed the war in Iraq from the beginning and will not support a march to war with Iran.

John McCain may have a long history of straight talk and independent thinking, but he has made the decision in this campaign to offer four more years of the very same policies that have failed us for the last eight.

We need a Democratic candidate who will present the starkest contrast to those failed policies of the past.

And that candidate is Barack Obama.

Please make a donation of $25 now:

Thank you,


David Plouffe

Campaign Manager

Obama for America

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Superdelegates- Take ACTION - SIGN PETITION!!!!!


You've probably heard about the "superdelegates" who could end up deciding the Democratic nominee.

The superdelegates are under lots of pressure right now to come out for one candidate or the other. We urgently need to encourage them to let the voters decide between Clinton and Obama—and then to support the will of the people.

I signed a petition urging the superdelegates to respect the will of the voters. Can you join me at the link below?


PS- This establishment that creates an unfair balance in the presidential nomination race needs to be reformed. Just as fraudulent voting machines have caused an upset in the balance of fairness in elections, and as the Electoral College actually decides the President of the US, which violates the rights of the Citizens to choose their own leader, the practice of allowing superdelegates to ultimately choose the front running candidate must be changed. Please paste the above link in your browser and sign the petition at Thank You and Have a wonderful day. Don't forget to vote in your primary, Ohios being March 4th, or go to your County Board of Elections office and cast your early vote.

Shane Jared Morlan
for more info contact me at 330-770-2109

Monday, February 18, 2008

The Rand Report !

This is a clip from the Real News about the Rand Report. It is a report specially commissioned by the Pentagon and carried out by The Rand Corporation. Check it out!!!